Today, the world stands at a historic turning point amidst an unprecedented whirlwind of complex crises. The prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict and the recent escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict are heightening global geopolitical risks and heralding a transformation in the political, economic, and industrial paradigms. Furthermore, the deepening U.S.-China rivalry is hastening the onset of a new Cold War era, exacerbating bottlenecks in global supply chains. Meanwhile, the acceleration of the energy transition and the shocks from climate change are confronting the world with the most severe threat of stagflation since the global financial crisis.


In this session, we aim to examine the key issues in the global economy due to the current geopolitical shifts and discuss their strategic implications. Additionally, we seek to derive policy solutions for the escalating global challenges.

| Speakers

Joseph S. Nye 

Professor, Harvard University, USA 

Robert S. Ross 

Associate of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, USA

Stephen S. Roach 

Professor, Yale University, USA 

Wu Chong Han 

Professor, College of International Affairs, NCCU, Taiwan  

Kim Sook 

Executive Director of the Ban Ki-moon Foundation

Lee Jung-Hoon 

Professor, Yonsei University 


Jun Kwang-Woo 

Chair of K-Policy Platform & Institute for Global Economics 

Today, the world stands at a historic turning point amidst an unprecedented whirlwind of complex crises. The prolonged Russia-Ukraine conflict and the recent escalation of the Israel-Hamas conflict are heightening global geopolitical risks and heralding a transformation in the political, economic, and industrial paradigms. Furthermore, the deepening U.S.-China rivalry is hastening the onset of a new Cold War era, exacerbating bottlenecks in global supply chains. Meanwhile, the acceleration of the energy transition and the shocks from climate change are confronting the world with the most severe threat of stagflation since the global financial crisis.


In this session, we aim to examine the key issues in the global economy due to the current geopolitical shifts and discuss their strategic implications. Additionally, we seek to derive policy solutions for the escalating global challenges.

| Speakers

Joseph S. Nye 

Professor, Harvard University, USA 

Robert S. Ross 

Associate of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, USA 

Stephen S. Roach 

Professor, Yale University, USA

Wu Chong Han 

Professor, College of International Affairs, NCCU, Taiwan 

Kim Sook

Executive Director,

the Ban Ki-moon Foundation

Lee Jung-Hoon

Professor, Yonsei University

[Moderator] Jun Kwang-Woo 

Chair of K-Policy Platform 

& Institute for Global Economics