Artificial Intelligence Han
[Greetings] Artificial Intelligence Han
Silicon Valley Founder
[Keynote] Nolan Bushnell Silicon Valley Founder
Sierra Science President
[Session 1] Bill Andrews Sierra Science President
Insilico Medicine President
[Session 1] Alex Zhavoronkov Insilico Medicine President
Alcor Life Extension President
[Session 1] Max More Alcor Life Extension President
Cha University Associate Professor
[Special Lecture] Moon Ji Sook Cha University Associate Professor
Canada Nygard International
[Special Lecture] Kai Nygard Canada Nygard International
President of Artificial General Intelligence Association
[Session 2] Ben Goertzel President of Artificial General Intelligence Association
Robotics Founder
[Session 2] David Hanson Hanson Robotics Founder
Senior Health Advisor at IBM Australia
[Session 2] Annette Hicks Senior Health Advisor at IBM Australia
Finnish Educator
[Session 3] Pasi Sahlberg Finnish Educator
British Educator
[Session 3] Richard Gerver British Educator
Plymouth University Professor
[Session 3] Steve Wheeler Plymouth University Professor
Director of the Millennium Project
[Special Lecture] Jerome C. Glenn Director of the Millennium Project
Everblaze President
[Session 4] Alex Lightman Everblaze President
Vortex Immersion Media President
[Session 4] Ed Lantz Vortex Immersion Media President
Dijk LioniX Vice -President
[Session 4] Paul Van Dijk LioniX Vice -President
Super Jam President
[Special Lecture] Fraser Doherty Super Jam President
Master of Wine
[Session 5] Jeannie Cho Lee Master of Wine
Therese Boer Michelin Three Stars Chef / Wine Sommelier
[Session 5] Jonnie BoerTherese Boer Michelin Three Stars Chef / Wine Sommelier
Michelin Three Stars Chef
[Session 5] Emmanuel Renaut Michelin Three Stars Chef
Bitcoin 'Bitnation' President
[Session 6] Susanne Tempelhof Bitcoin 'Bitnation' President
KAIST Professor
[Session 6] Jeffrey White KAIST Professor
Founder of Transmanist Party
[Session 6] Zoltan Istvan Founder of Transmanist Party